Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Newest Caleb & Sophia video is a commercial
by cappytan incaleb states, "now i can speak to chinese people.
" ummm, there are many chinese people that speak english, caleb.
Village Idiot
When I was a teenage JW I carried this huge suitcase filled with literature including multiple language ones just in case we ran into a foreign householder. I remember an Asian lady who didn't speak a word of English. I had no clue as to what she was saying so I pulled out literature in an Asian language. When I presented to her she shook her head not being able to understand the characters on the book. Of course, I didn't have literature in every Asian language. -
Watchtower switching to selling children's toys that have corporation approval
by Brokeback Watchtower inhey put a good video out about the evil toys on the market and the possibility of making jehovah very very sad by having these things in your house and demons start to party on your sofa.
then wait a couple of weeks and offer a entire line of acceptable toys and charge the hypnotized families a stiff price/suggested contribution.
could make a few million and help pay off some of these child molestation lawsuits.. i can just see tony morris singing 'rubber ducky' and offering the latest marketing scam of a toy that don't make jehovah so sad.
Village Idiot
GoliathSamsonLeviathanNoah's arkJesus and his apostles -
Watchtower switching to selling children's toys that have corporation approval
by Brokeback Watchtower inhey put a good video out about the evil toys on the market and the possibility of making jehovah very very sad by having these things in your house and demons start to party on your sofa.
then wait a couple of weeks and offer a entire line of acceptable toys and charge the hypnotized families a stiff price/suggested contribution.
could make a few million and help pay off some of these child molestation lawsuits.. i can just see tony morris singing 'rubber ducky' and offering the latest marketing scam of a toy that don't make jehovah so sad.
with what then seemed to be Jehovah’s will
by berrygerry ininteresting phrase.. jan 15, 2001 wt.
there was one exception.
in 1940, hayden c. covingtonthen the societys legal counsel and one of the other sheep, with the earthly hopewas elected a director of the society.
Village Idiot
That was way back then when they probably believed in their own bunk. -
Rational Buddhism?
by cappytan indoes a type of buddhism exist that doesn't include the metaphysical aspects of traditional buddhism?
Village Idiot
“If scientific analysis were conclusively to demonstrate certain claims in Buddhism to be false, then we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims.” - Dalai Lama -
What would happen if life was found elsewhere?
by HowTheBibleWasCreated insee jws have said time and again jesus died once for all time... a quote from hebrews.
okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... i once had a hot fight with an elder when i still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc.
yet not based on any wt article witnesses reject this often.. lets suppose say in a month microbes are found on ceres (i doubt it will happen but let's roll with it) they are living as much as our cells are and reporduce... okay what would mother say in the magazines when millions of jehovah's witnesses demand to know why jehovah created microbes on a dwarf planet?.
Village Idiot
"Okay rule out humn-like aliens what about animals plants and microbes... I once had a hot fight with an elder when I still believed that here was no reason to doubt alien animals etc. Yet NOT based on any WT article witnesses reject this often.
There is a 'reason' why fundamentalist Christians would not believe in any life out there. It simply diminishes the Genesis account were all plants and animals were created for the benefit of Adam and Eve.
Newest Caleb & Sophia video is a commercial
by cappytan incaleb states, "now i can speak to chinese people.
" ummm, there are many chinese people that speak english, caleb.
Village Idiot
Who pays for those translator tablets? Or is it an app? And goodness, doesn't the organization know that the door to door preaching doesn't yield results?
I could hardly see them having a meaningful conversation in spite of translations.
Has anybody got a copy of the older New World Translation ? (pre : the new simplified version ?)
by ukgirl inhey so i'm currently doing a uni project and making a film exploring my leaving of the witnesses.
i wanted to begin with an intro where i revisit the genesis account of god creating the heavens and the earth.
i remember it to be quite visually descriptive, so i wanted to take the account and illustrate it myself with narration over the top.
Village Idiot
I've got the large size bible which identifies itself as: First revision 1961; Second revision 1970; Third revision with footnotes, 1971.
The quote for Genesis 1:1-3 is:
1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon [the] surface of the watery deep; and God's active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.
3 And God proceeded to say: "Let light come to be." Then there came to be light.
I'm Ready... Thank you
by Garrett inhey guys,.
so, something amazing happened recently.
i recently met with an old and very good friend of mine.
Village Idiot
I still would not send a letter of disassociation but simply make it certain that your fade is permanent. Tell your JW friends that you just don't want to be at the meetings. They may shun you because of that but they'll shun you anyways with the DA. At least you won't be giving the elders the satisfaction of your playing their game. -
My wife is frightened about the end/ What to say without sounding Apostate?
by suavojr inmy wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
Village Idiot
Just tell her not to worry, over and over again. Don't try to explain anything since it would be inevitable that you don't agree with the organization. She would probably consider you as a borderline apostate no matter what you say.